Welcome to The Cat Scene

Grey and white cat

Cats have been a part of my life for over 60 years now and during this time I’ve experienced the great joys and understanding that cat guardianship can bring.

I will probably slip and still use it, as it’s the norm, but I don’t really like the term “owner” in relation to cats. Owner implies that you have full control of that which you own. Mmm! Need I say more!

I currently have 2 of these little monsters controlling sharing my life at the moment (Sorry, I mean 2 adorable little girls). Saga (17) and Maja (13) both of which I adopted from my local cat rescue when they were both somewhere between 1 – 2 years old.

I have decided to create this website as those inferior types I surround myself with, you know… humans, are frequently asking me questions and advice on various aspects of living life with their feline friends.

Questions such as;

  • Why does or doesn’t my cat …?
  • Has my cat got …?
  • How does my cat know ….?
  • What do you recommend …?
  • What is my cat trying to tell me?

etc. etc.

I love talking about all things feline and thought I would share my knowledge and experience and hopefully pick up some more hints and tips myself on the way.

I do this with one aim in mind and that is to improve the health, happiness and aid better understanding of our pets.

Take care